Alumni Spotlight presents outstanding research achievements and special awards received by members of the Alumni Club and the Medical University of Vienna. Once again the spotlight was on research projects awarded with a European Research Council (ERC) grant.

Three recognized MedUni Vienna researchers - Thomas Vogl, Alwin Köhler and Bernhard Baumann - presented their projects, on which they are able to continue their research thanks to the European Commission‘s research funding. In a subsequent discussion they explained the challenges involved in submitting a proposal, what you need to pay particular attention to and how important international networks are. The talk was moderated by Maria Siblia, head of the Institute for Cancer Research at MedUni Vienna, who also received a generous 2.5 million Euro European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant for her project entitled "TNT Tumors" which is looking at immunomodulation of the innate immune system to fight cancer.

Fotos (c) Alumni Club der MedUni Wien/Martin Hörmandinger